Let’s Go Down Memory Lane

It’s 2018 and I had just returned back to the US from a gap year of travel. Although it was an amazing experience, I had returned with no money. I had spent all my life savings on that adventure. I started researching jobs but knew I could never go back to a typical 9 to 5. I didn’t want to go to an office and deep down I knew I couldn’t. I had a taste of freedom & didn’t want to go back. 

A Chance To Try Something New

I started to research various ways of making a remote income. I didn’t know where to start or how to achieve my goals, but I had a desire and willingness to learn. I had a dream, a vision, and a solid work ethic. I knew deep down I could figure out a way to make my dreams a reality. And just like that, an opportunity found me. It didn’t come in the form I expected it to, but not all blessings show up in the packages you expect.

Making My Dreams A Reality

I’ve gained many mentors, a new community, knowledge, and a new income stream. 

I’ve had the opportunity to share beauty & wellness with people around the globe and taught others to do the same.

I’ve created multiple income streams for myself that support financial freedom and time freedom. 

I’ve done this all while having a career in tech and a business on IG.

Opportunities are constantly seeking us and they don’t always arrive in the packages we expect. 

But if we maintain an open mind and heart…

They’ll take us exactly where we want to go.